If you want to get more income out of your regular 9 to 5 day job, the fastest way is to start a business and create more passive income. However, there are several considerations you should take into account.
1. Leisure time and energy
Certain roles, such as tutoring or teaching interest classes, require you to spend a lot of time to prepare teaching materials, create teaching plans, or that you have to be patient. That might not be suitable for everyone. Some roles, like Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), may seem to be easy as there is no cost and the only thing they do is update on social media every day to maintain popularity. However, constantly updating and staying connected to online trends can easily lead to “Digital Fatigue”. If you already have long working hours and you have to work on your side hustle after that, things might not work as effectively as you would wish for.
2. Cost and relevant knowledge
Some of the fields require you to have expertise. For example, if you want to take up music production or marketing as your freelance gig, you will naturally have to learn how to make and produce music first; if you want to shoot and create online courses, you will need a computer for recording and editing, in addition to learning how to use editing software.
Some businesses that can be done by one person, such as operating an online shop, require a certain amount of capital for you to be actually living overseas. These might pose challenges for business starters.
3. Personal interests and hobbies
Many people choose something they enjoy or excel in, or simply turn their hobbies into businesses. This might be harder than what a lot of people would think. It may seem fulfilling to be paid for doing what you love, but when you are taking your client’s order, what matters more is delivering what the client wants. Your client's aesthetics and demands may differ from your personal preferences, and learning to respect your client’s request is a process for many people.